Villinger Fasnet
Mask of the historical Villingen carnival at the Black Forest. The Narro is the main figure at the Carnival ceremony. This character is staffed with some attributes e.g. Säbel (Sabre), Rollen (Bells) and Foulard (Silk scarf) and represents a gorgeous, proud young man. Due to a special way of walking the bells chiming rhythmic through the streets and signalizing the Narro is present.
Villinger Fasnet
Mask of the historical Villingen Carnival at the Black Forest. The Alt-Villingerin is the youngest character presumably established around 1900. She presents a young, polite and graceful women. Her appearance is fulfilled by wearing a traditional Black Forest costume. The character is the female pendant to the famous Narro. She escorts him. Nowadays more often they`re seen together walking down the streets arm in arm. While the narro is cheating (Strählen) other visitors of the carnival, the Alt-Villingerin is giving away luxury sweets out of a painted box (Schnupfdösle) for an act of reconciliation.
Required by walking along with the offspring (Narrosomen), as well by pushing an old, pretty pram (Chaise) with a little child (Maschgere/Mäschgerle) inside, she can also be seen as a symbol of fertility.
Wassily Chair Head (after Oskar Schlemmer), 2021, plaster, leafsilver, oil color, textile, 31 x 22 x 24 cm Edition of 3, numbered, dated, signed
DELINEATE — Die Neue Linie
Die britisch-amerikanische Künstlerin und Kuratorin Selene States hat mich zur Teilnahme an Ihrer Ausstellung "DELINEATE – DIE NEUE LINIE" eingeladen. Die Ausstellung kombiniert neue künstlerische Werke und Installationen, sowie weitere lizenzierte Bauhaus Reeditionen und exklusiv angefertigte Bauhaus Kleider-, Textil- und Kostümarbeiten, die das Paradigma im Bauhaus-Design beleuchten.
Selene States hat mir den Grundstein für dieses Projekt in die Hand gegeben und mich dazu angeregt den Fokus auf eine der helmartigen Masken von Oskar Schlemmer, wie sie auch aus dem Triadischen Ballett bekannt sind, zu legen. Auf einer namentlichen Fotografie `Frau mit Bühnenmaske` von Erich Consemüller aus dem Jahr 1926 trägt eine bis heute unbekannte Dame eine Maske und blickt im Wassily Chair, auch Clubsessel B3 genannt, von Marcel Breuer sitzend in die Kamera.
Die hieraus entstandenen Replikate sind frei auf der Grundlage von Nachforschungen und nach dem Try-and-Error Prinzip entstanden.
Die Masken sind eine Edition von 3. Eine der Masken ist im Besitz der Bauhaus Universität Weimar.
Wassily Chair Head (after Oskar Schlemmer), 2021, plaster, leafsilver, oil color, textile, 31 x 22 x 24 cm Edition of 3, numbered, dated, signed
Erich Consemüller `Frau mit Bühnenmaske`, 1926, Mrs. Unknown sitting in the Wassily Chair of Marcel Breuer
Wassily Chair Head (after Oskar Schlemmer), 2021, plaster, leafsilver, oil color, textile, 31 x 22 x 24 cm Edition of 3, numbered, dated, signed
Die Arbeit entstand als Zufallsprodukt während der Produktion der Schlemmer Replikate. Die gesichtslose Form mit Augenschlitz und die dunkle Färbung des geschwefelten Blattsilbers assoziiert eigentlich was... etwas Bösartiges und Kriegerisches...etwas Unheimliches?! Liegt uns Menschen per se Böses zugrunde? Wenn ja sind wir uns dessen bewusst? Was tun wir dagegen – wollen wir überhaupt etwas dagegen tun? Ist das der gewünschte Diskurs?
Villinger Fasnet
Mask of the historical Villingen Carnival at the Black Forest. The Murbile presents an old, funny and graceful lady. Her appearance is fulfilled by wearing a traditional Black Forest costume. The character is the female pendant to the Surhebel. She is walking at his arm at the parade. But more often she is seen together with a group of other old ladies. She is cheating (Strählen) other visitors of the carnival and is giving away luxury sweets out of a painted box (Schnupfdösle), too.
Villinger Fasnet
Mask of the historical Villingen carnival at the Black Forest. This character is mostly acting a so called Stachi or Surhebel and presenting a grumpy old man. He can bee seen as a variety of the Narro. Instead of the Narro costume and his bells he wears a blue waggoner shirt (Blauhemd). And his mask has a mockingly, malicious look and sometimes portrait-like facial charateristics to former citizens of Villingen.
Villinger Fasnet
Mask of the historical Villingen carnival at the Black Forest. The Bartscheme represents a more rare figure at the carnival ceremony. Not to be confused with the Narrovater, who is the leader of the parade. This character is staffed with some attributes e.g. Säbel (Sabre), Rollen (Bells) and Foulard (Silk scarf). Due to a special way of walking the bells chiming rhythmic through the streets and signalizing Fasnet is present.
Haus Pfeffermann
The Bird Mask (Budgie) was main part of two performances at Haus Pfeffermann.
Staff, 2017, performance during opening, 20 min., bird mask, cloths, whistling, searching for my ancestor ghosts in my grandparents house
Staff, 2017, performance during opening, 20 min., bird mask, cloths, whistling, searching for my ancestor ghosts in my grandparents house
Work, 2018, performance during finissage, 40 min., bird mask, cloths, stones, plaster, pigments, colour spray, coal, plants, butter, firecrackers, me working with collected materials in former housecraft room
Untitled (Mask for Firdusi) Reconstruction after design from Marcel Janco, 1917 (2016) cardboard, paper, string, straw, gouache 79 x 48 cm
Genese Dada
I was asked to remake some masks after originals of Dadaist Marcel Janko. I only used photographs and some measurements as template. The masks were exhibited in `Genese Dada - 100 Jahre Dada Zürich` at arp museum Bahnhof Rolandseck.